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Our Experienced Team of Consultants is Ready to Solve Your Issues

At JCS, our team of experienced consultants is ready to help you overcome your issues. We will support your projects in a wide variety of areas, from destination marketing, human resource development in the tourism industry and public policy.

Our Philosophy

Using the more than 50 years of experience in the meetings industry we at JCS have, coupled with our Surveys and Research and Education and Training experience, we are confident in our ability to provide a world-class solution to your issues.

At JCS, we understand that having a diverse set of minds is key to solving a diverse set of issues, and the Meetings Industry Research Institute reflects this.

From Issue to Solution

  • STEP 1

    Initial Contact

    • Our team meets with you to understand your needs and the current situation.
    • Out team gathers additional information as necessary.
  • STEP 2


    • Our team carefully analyzes the situation and formulates a research question.
    • Our team then formulates and evaluates theories to explain the research question.
    • Our team designs appropriate surveys to test theories.
    • Our team conducts surveys and research as appropriate.
  • STEP 3

    Report and Proposal

    • We report the results of our surveys and research to you.
    • In order to realize your goals, we make a proposal based on our surveys and research.


  • The Association for Leisure and Tourism Studies

    Kazuko Akiyama of the Meetings Industry Research Institute was honored to give a presentation ‘Developing social fundamentals of college students through hands-on learning’ at the 2017 National Meeting of the Association.

  • Office of the Governor for Policy Planning

    When the Tokyo Metropolitan Government’s Office of the Governor for Policy Planning decided to create a new website in order to more effectively communicate with people throughout not just Japan but the world, we were proud to be able to work with them and design and develop their new website.

  • Cabinet Office Intellectual Property Strategy Promotion Bureau

    We were proud to assist in conducting research on educational support schemes for knowledge building in the Chugoku and Kyushu regions of Japan.