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Our Winning Strategy for International Bidding

A winning strategy for bidding for international conferences involves participation and flexibility from everyone, from the national government on down. Some meetings go from start to finish in one year, and others take more than 10 years. Using our more than 50 years of experience and our international network, we have the winning strategy for your international bidding.

Bid Process

  • STEP 1

    Preparatory Work

    • Our team at JCS starts gathering the necessary information.
    • We work with you and create a bid committee.
  • STEP 2

    Preparing the Proposal

    • The bid committee starts work.
    • The best candidate is selected for submission.
    • The bid papers are prepared and submitted.
  • STEP 3


    • We help you how to lobby members to ensure they know the strengths and uniqueness of Japan.
    • We prepare and make presentations as necessary.
  • STEP 4

    We Win the Bid

    • We create a secretariat for the event.
    • We work with you and start preparations for the event itself.

Our World-Class Solutions

We are proud to bring together a variety of stakeholders, from local governments and convention bureaus, to hotels and convention centers, to sponsoring organizations to ensure a unified, successful process to bring conventions to Japan.
  • Taking care of all the preparatory work.
  • Confirming the bid process and making a winning bid paper.
  • Making winning videos and giveaways.
  • Making presentations.
  • Proposing uniquely Japanese marketing events.

Our Philosophy

Using the more than 50 years of experience in the meetings industry we at JCS have, coupled with our Surveys and Research and Education and Training experience, we are confident in our ability to provide a world-class solution to your issues.

At JCS, we understand that having a diverse set of minds is key to solving a diverse set of issues, and the Meetings Industry Research Institute reflects this.