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JCS Proud to Receive the L-boshi the Highest Level, for the Promotion of Women in the Workplace

JCS became the first PCO in Japan to receive the L-boshi for the Promotion of Women in the Workplace, on May 30th 2017.

The L-boshi is awarded to companies with excellent policies and procedures for the promotion of women in the workplace by the Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare. The standards for the L-boshi include meeting three of five criteria, such as having the same employment standards for men and women, the average length of women’s employment, the percentage of women in management positions, appropriate work hours, and whether there are a variety of career options. JCS is proud to, having met three, be at the highest level, and thereby receive the L-boshi.

At JCS, all of our team members are dedicated to making an environment where female employees can prosper.

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