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Letter of Gratitude Received from Everyone’s Library in Yamamoto Town, Watari District, Miyagi Prefecture

JCS has been donating picture books since 2015 on the occasion of the annual employee meeting in accordance with its CSR Policy.
This year, we donated 57 picture books to Everyone’s Library Yamamoto in Yamamoto Town, Watari District, Miyagi Prefecture, and 1,845 used stamps to NPO Shapla Neer.

Contents of the letter of gratitude

Thank you for sending us many picture books.

We have already displayed them on the bookshelves. Yamamoto, where the library is located, used to be home to over 1,000 families before the disaster, but there are only 400 families today. All public facilities in the area were swept away or damaged by tsunami. After a year, with people’s help, the library was built. Today it has become an indispensable communication space, not just for lending books, for the local residents.

We will continue to make it a useful library for all.
We ask for your continued support. Thank you.

Everyone’s Library Yamamoto

We also sent pictures of the employees who donated the books.
We also sent pictures of the employees who donated the books.
Many employees participated cooperatively.

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