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JCS Conducts the Uchiwa Fan Decoration Workshop at Sayama City Community Center

On August 4, the middle of the school summer vacation, we conducted the Uchiwa Fan Decoration Workshop inviting children and their parents to Sayama City Community Center (Saitama Pref.), a facility we operate and manage as a designated administrator company.

The workshop was on the same day as Sayama City’s Iruma River Tanabata Festival, one of Kanto region’s three great Tanabata (Star Festival) celebrations. Being a winner of the 2014 Townscape Award by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, the festival exhibits about 130 Tanabata ornaments crafted by Sayama citizens at the Sayamashi Station yard and shopping mall near the festival venue.

Workshop open to children and parents

We conduct various craft workshops every year at the community center on the first floor of the facility that is open to visitors as a rest area. In 2018, we conducted a workshop for children to make a unique Uchiwa fan using a collage decoration of Washi (Japanese paper) and colorful stickers. If you are interested in our workshop, please visit the Sayama City Communication Center on the next event day.

Children enjoying collage work on their Uchiwa fans
Children enjoying collage work on their Uchiwa fans
Almost completed original Uchiwa fan

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